What is a biomechanical assessment?

Biomechanics is the study of the movement of the bones and muscles and how they affect our everyday live from reaching, walking, running and standing posture. Biomechanical Assessment involves a complex evaluation of the feet, legs, hips, upper-body and body position whilst weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing. A Biomechanics assessment is an investigation into your lower and upper limb function/mechanics – looking closely for abnormalities and compensations. 

What does the assessment involve?

Total body Postural analysis, Isometric, Isotonic, Power, Endurance, Proprioception and  Range of  Motion of the involved muscles and joints are evaluated and determined. Various specific measurements will be taken while the clients is lying down, standing up and moving around. The client’s basic functional movements are filmed using dartfish video solution. The clients movement is analyse with the use of grids, lines and movement tracking so to find the cause of pain and faulty movement.  


Why would I have a biomechanical assessment?

Most people have a biomechanical assessment because they are experiencing pain within the lower and upper limb segments such as the foot, knee, hips, back shoulder arm and neck. This pain can be anywhere from the neck down to the feet. Many people who engage in sports also benefit from having a biomechanical assessment to identify any muscle weakness/ tightness and to keep injury free.    

The outcome

Biomechanical evaluations are carried out in order to identify the cause of the presenting signs and symptoms. During the assessment the muscle strength, range-of-motion at important joints and the angular relationships of the segments of the foot, knee, hips, back, shoulder and neck will be analysed, making it possible to identify structural problems that lead to abnormal function of the lower- , upper limbs and back causing pain.

The Goal

The eventual goal of any type of biomechanical evaluation is to provide a sound basis for a rehabilitation programme. The information gained from a biomechanical assessment forms the basis for a rehabilitation programme helping to correct the underlying problems and alleviate the client’s symptoms.

Once the underlying causes of the client’s problem have been identified a tailor made treatment plan will be developed to improve the client’s symptoms, relief pain and increase sport performance.